Well, Happy Thanksgiving, people!
With all those happy-bloggers out there blogging their thankfulness, I figured a nice, warm, deep-dish of reality would be a nice change of pace. Hey, we're not eating the traditional turkey, so why not keep with the theme?
Here are some poorly written musings from our non-traditional day...
Expecting lots of sub-par photos of vegan food?
Sorry about your luck, but the old $50 digital from Aldi is nowhere to be found.
The funny thing about this is that there have been more hilarious photo ops in the last 24 hours than have ever before and I have no way to document said occurrences.
Like right now Little B is wedged on the couch with two sleepy Maltese puppies curled up on her lap. In fact, she just politely asked them to move.
Across from them on the other couch my Little Green Machine is laid out because some dog (mine) served up a little Thanksgiving yak. Fun times.
Or last night, when Mr. B. returned from choir rehearsal, I heated up the dinner he missed, which included homemade rosemary-basil potato wedges. The look on his face when he finally understood that I made them and they didn't come from a bag in the freezer - priceless and a little offensive. At least I got a high five out of it.
And to for an extra dose of thankfulness, I managed to get another ridiculous haircut. I would totally put up a picture, but no camera. The funny thing is that the actual cut is fantastic; the girl did an amazing job. It's just that I look like a questionably gay, overweight, soccer mom. Just looking in the mirror makes me want to go buy turtlenecks, boxy vests and high waisted jeans with a tapered ankle. Gah.
Being distracted by the new 'do has kept me from cooking today (and from writing with any recognizable coherence)Noodles, mashed potatoes, seitan cutlets, roasted brussel sprouts and impossible pumpkin pie are on the menu. Mr. B is off playing in his annual Turkey Bowl at some soccer field behind a Super 8 motel. Doesn't that just sound like a horror movie waiting to happen? He's been awake since 5:30am, too excited to sleep.
I am sure he'll be home around 11:30, just in time for Packers/Lions kick-off. Husbands.
But in all honesty, I do have so much to be thankful for in my life: family, friends, and all that good stuff.
Including another missed photo op - Little B walking into the living room dressed in a very short white skirt, white tank top, and ponytail.
Forget Thanksgiving...tennis, anyone?
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