Sunday, December 4, 2011

Disappearing Act

Disappeared for a few days. Whoops.

I ended up getting a very naasty cold over Thanksgiving, which curbed the cooking and in turn, curbed the blogging. At least that's my excuse this time.

And then, the week from, know.

Mr. B conned me into doing a Holiday show with him, which has actually been a great time.  A group from Topeka is doing It's a Wonderful Life Radio Show and local people (like me & Mr. B) are doing the commercials. 

In the midst of rehearsals, I have been working on several other projects,
all of which involve my home computer.

I suppose I shouldn't actually call it my HOME computer, because it isn't actually at HOME. 
It's at the computer repair shop. 

Did I mention that my home computer has my lesson plans for next week, all my documents and information for my auditions tonight; my agenda, notes and presentation for the district's tech fair tomorrow; and drum roll please - our school's presentation for the Board of Education meeting tomorrow?

This reminds me of a coffee cup my mom had when I was little. It said...

This is the exact cup she had.  I can't believe I found it. I love you, Google Images.

That cartoon was also an exact replica of how I have looked the past two days trying to recreate what I cannot access. Please add the cartoon holding an imaginary two finger gun under its chin.

She also had a cup that said, "Things could be worse.  You could be old and still have zits."
After this week of stage make-up, you can add several zits, too. 

Thank you, Mom, for your keen and prophetic choice of coffee cups. 


  1. What show are you holding auditions for?

  2. FAITH COUNTY II: An Evening of Culture. You can read more about it here -
